As a delicious, protein-packed option, the BFC Special Chicken Salad is perfect for those looking for a nutritious meal. Made with fresh chicken, crisp lettuce, and a special homemade dressing, this salad is both satisfying and tasty. Enjoy it as a healthy lunch or snack option.
BFC Special Chicken Salad
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As a delicious, protein-packed option, the BFC Special Chicken Salad is perfect for those looking for a nutritious meal. Made with fresh chicken, crisp lettuce, and a special homemade dressing, this salad is both satisfying and tasty. Enjoy it as a healthy lunch or snack option.
BFC Special Chicken Salad
As a delicious, protein-packed option, the BFC Special Chicken Salad is perfect for those looking for a nutritious meal. Made with fresh chicken, crisp lettuce, and a special homemade dressing, this salad is both satisfying and tasty. Enjoy it as a healthy lunch or snack option.
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