Indulge in the perfect combination of spicy and savory with our Chilli Parotta and Gobi 65 combo, served with a creamy and flavorful Cream of Veg Soup. Satisfy your cravings with this delicious trio, leaving you satisfied and energized.
Chilli Parotta + Gobi 65 + Cream of Veg Soup
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Indulge in the perfect combination of spicy and savory with our Chilli Parotta and Gobi 65 combo, served with a creamy and flavorful Cream of Veg Soup. Satisfy your cravings with this delicious trio, leaving you satisfied and energized.
Chilli Parotta + Gobi 65 + Cream of Veg Soup
Indulge in the perfect combination of spicy and savory with our Chilli Parotta and Gobi 65 combo, served with a creamy and flavorful Cream of Veg Soup. Satisfy your cravings with this delicious trio, leaving you satisfied and energized.
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