Indulge in the ultimate vegetarian delight with our Classic Double Patty Veg Burger. Made with two mouth-watering patties and a hearty selection of fresh vegetables, this burger is sure to satisfy your cravings. With a classic taste and nutritious ingredients, it's the perfect option for a delicious and guilt-free meal.
Classic double patty veg burger
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Indulge in the ultimate vegetarian delight with our Classic Double Patty Veg Burger. Made with two mouth-watering patties and a hearty selection of fresh vegetables, this burger is sure to satisfy your cravings. With a classic taste and nutritious ingredients, it's the perfect option for a delicious and guilt-free meal.
Classic double patty veg burger
Indulge in the ultimate vegetarian delight with our Classic Double Patty Veg Burger. Made with two mouth-watering patties and a hearty selection of fresh vegetables, this burger is sure to satisfy your cravings. With a classic taste and nutritious ingredients, it's the perfect option for a delicious and guilt-free meal.
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