As a traditional South Indian food, Idiyappam is made from rice flour and formed into string hoppers. This gluten-free dish is typically served with spicy curries or sweetened coconut milk. Enjoy the soft, delicate texture and unique taste of Idiyappam, a staple food in many households.
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As a traditional South Indian food, Idiyappam is made from rice flour and formed into string hoppers. This gluten-free dish is typically served with spicy curries or sweetened coconut milk. Enjoy the soft, delicate texture and unique taste of Idiyappam, a staple food in many households.
As a traditional South Indian food, Idiyappam is made from rice flour and formed into string hoppers. This gluten-free dish is typically served with spicy curries or sweetened coconut milk. Enjoy the soft, delicate texture and unique taste of Idiyappam, a staple food in many households.
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