Satisfy your cravings with our delicious Parotta (5) and mouth-watering Grill Chicken Half combo. Perfect for sharing, this meal includes 5 parottas and a half portion of our perfectly grilled chicken. Indulge in the savory flavors and spice up your taste buds today!
Parotta (5) + Grill Chicken Half
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Satisfy your cravings with our delicious Parotta (5) and mouth-watering Grill Chicken Half combo. Perfect for sharing, this meal includes 5 parottas and a half portion of our perfectly grilled chicken. Indulge in the savory flavors and spice up your taste buds today!
Parotta (5) + Grill Chicken Half
Satisfy your cravings with our delicious Parotta (5) and mouth-watering Grill Chicken Half combo. Perfect for sharing, this meal includes 5 parottas and a half portion of our perfectly grilled chicken. Indulge in the savory flavors and spice up your taste buds today!
ŕ´ŕľŕľť ŕ´ŕľŕ´Şŕľŕ´Şŕľŕ´ŕľž
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