Saatha Halwa is a 250 g traditional Indian sweet made of roasted almonds, cashews, and raisins. This delicious dessert is rich in protein and antioxidants, providing a healthy and indulgent treat for any occasion. Satisfy your cravings and treat your taste buds with Saatha Halwa.
Saatha Halwa (250 g)
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Saatha Halwa is a 250 g traditional Indian sweet made of roasted almonds, cashews, and raisins. This delicious dessert is rich in protein and antioxidants, providing a healthy and indulgent treat for any occasion. Satisfy your cravings and treat your taste buds with Saatha Halwa.
Saatha Halwa (250 g)
Saatha Halwa is a 250 g traditional Indian sweet made of roasted almonds, cashews, and raisins. This delicious dessert is rich in protein and antioxidants, providing a healthy and indulgent treat for any occasion. Satisfy your cravings and treat your taste buds with Saatha Halwa.
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